Thursday, August 04, 2005

You know school is starting when...

... you see the "Rubber-band Man" commercials for Office Depot. I saw my first one Monday afternoon when I was able to catch a glimpse of TV when we were in Pasadena, moving into our new place. I just love that commercial, as the guy goes around with his cart, and gives the children things that will make their lives "easier" from the store. Especially the child that gets the alarm clock at the end...

By the way, I finally found out what I will be teaching next year. I have 4 classes of honors 8th grade physical science and one class of "regular" 8th grade physical science. I am kind of worried though, since I have not taught children this age before and I am only familiar with the North Carolina standards. I should probably start "boning up" on what I need to teach. I do, fortunately, have a copy of the student textbook and a set of the textbook writer's overheads to get me started. I also have to revamp my webpage so that my students will have a virtual place to send me their work and other stuff next year... At least I no longer have to deal with the NC End Of Course tests that drove me totally batshit last year. I do believe that I will have to deal with a whole new set of tests for science though, but I am not entirely sure about that. Just more things to figure out while not either traveling from FresNO to the southland, or attempting to put together a house on a shoestring budget. (You know, if you become a teacher, and are from out of state, your new employers should give you about $1000 to help you get through the summer when you are not teaching - therefore making no money - so that you won't possibly go to the poorhouse in the interim...)

We are doing ok though. I spent about 1.5 hours at my new school, got a $0.05 tour, and found out what room I will be teaching in. Unfortunately, the department head won't be back until later this month, and I would like to meet him/her. I don't blame them though, they deserve their time off too.

I am just grateful for the opportunity to teach here, and that we have someplace to live besides in FresNO.

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