Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Since I last wrote a post...

As you may know, my work is about to start up again. I am not mentally prepared for teaching this year, as I taught summer school. I am happy to report that all of my students passed their summer school class.

I also participated in our county's judicial system, as a juror on a superior court criminal case at the court house (I even saw Phil Spector, and the trial that I was in took place on the other side of the hallway from his trial).

CTG and also I had a wonderful weekend at the coast with CTMom and CTDad along with our happy dog-child. I also did a little fishing with CTDad and family, but didn't catch anything. :(

I was also able to do the exterior painting that needed to get done for the house, although I still have an extensive list that I have written that needs to be done to make this place totally functional. 95% of the work is completed, but it is taking us a ton of time to get that last 5% done.

I have also just about finished playing Starcraft Brood-Wars (tm), but I can't seem to beat it without cheating...

I have been reading The Dangerous Book for Boys and The Children of Hurin this summer, both are excellent reads. I wish that I had the former when I was little, as I would have gotten many of the things in that book memorized, built, or read back when I really had the time to enjoy such exploits. I also read the last and final Harry Potter book and I was rather pleased with the outcome.

Well that is how I have been using my summer vacation. I know that it has been very slow, so I haven't posted anything. If you want to see what the house looks like, visit CTG's blog and there should be something over there about what has transpired in the last few months.

More to come. I promise. Especially since the kiddies will be in school and I will be teaching the 7th graders that I had 2 years ago. I am already forseeing a few too many visits to the deans office for some stupid thing or other for at least 4 of my potential students (that is if they haven't gotten kicked out of our school yet). Talk to you later!


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