Monday, October 31, 2005

This past weekend

This past Saturday was big. I had a busy day.

First, DW and I went to breakfast. We don't usually do this, but we were in for a big day. I had a waffle with both strawberries and bananas, while DW had her customary potato pancakes. Then DW and I went to IKEA and enjoyed purchasing yet another couple of pieces of furniture. We got a new desk and table for our spare room/office. DW wanted a new place to put her sewing machine and other crafty stuff since we had to leave her other craft desk in NC during the move. The desk is for our school/work stuff and to house our printer so that it does not overheat on the thickly carpeted floor. We are still emptying boxes in that room, so it was necessary to get these things. It was a pain in the ass trying to put together the solid wood desk, which was surprising. All of the MDF pieces that we have gotten from there are perfectly crafted and easy to put together. The real wood desk was milled wrong, had broken pieces, and one corner just did not want to come together. I do not know what else to say, but I know that I still enjoyed paying 15% less for the opportunity to build crapily made furniture.

After we got home with our purchases, we watched USC totally destroy Wazoo on the television.

Around 8 that evening, one of our friends/housemates from my Senior year at USC, named Alpha Centauri, came over for an enjoyable evening. We caught up since we hadn't seen him since DW and I were married in 1999. He is a great man who has had an interesting life in the last couple of years and it was great to see him. If only we could get our other friends to come by and we could do the same... We ended up going to Robin's BBQ for a big BBQ beef dinner.

We also did a "Negative Time Tommy's Run with Alpha Centauri. We left at 1:55, and got back at 1:53. Beyond that, another double hamburger and a Cherry Pepsi bit the dust. Remember, CalTech froshies: "Tomorrow is ditch day" and we all know what that means... At approximately 3:00 AM I finally fell asleep and woke up at 8 am on Sunday morning. I think that I am still feeling the effects of the sleep dep...

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