Saturday, May 21, 2005

Almost There (Stay on Target)...

Well, for those who care,
I have gotten through my first of three finals yesterday. I gave it to 8 students (one was exempt from taking it, and another did not show up and got an automatic 0%). After all was said and done, 5 people passed the class. Is a 50% passing rate good? I don't think so, but I would like to hear what others have to say about it. I know that I could have probably done better at teaching the course, but with the abilities of these students I do not know if it would have helped that much. I went over every single question that I gave. I gave the answers to ALL of the essay questions that I had on the exam. I even allowed them the use of a crib sheet but none of the students took up the opportunities that I gave them. Well Monday is the last of my finals to give, and these will be even more brutal than the one that I made. They are state written tests that I have not even seen, let alone read, the questions to. I just prey that my students paid attention to what I had reviewed with them, during the semester. I will give you all an update as to what happens with them.

0 PreHaloscan:

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