Monday, January 16, 2006

It's about time - CCTC

The CCTC has finally gotten to my week, so that I will finally find out what classes/tests that I need to finally have my cleared teaching credential. I sent it in during the summer, expecting it to be completed sometime in October, only to realize that the Gov. cut back so many jobs in that area that there are now like two or three people evaluating all of the credentials that are being applied for in California. That is good, as I am starting my BTSA induction classes this month. I wish that they would have gotten to me earlier, as I might not have to go through certain aspects of the BTSA program. This would give me more time to work in my classroom and enjoy more of my time there. If you have no clue as to what I am rambling about, don't worry. You are probably not a teacher living in California, or in your first year teaching. If you are, good luck with all of your BTSA activities and enjoy the next year and a half with me.

Tell you how it goes and what I might not have to take soon...



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