Saturday, October 14, 2006

What did I say last week about SEC Teams???

Hmm... Depending on what the score at the end of the USC game is... This is obvously a work in progress, and I do not want to make any definite statements until this game is over.... :)


Now that the game is over and I am done watching it, I would like to tell all of the ESPN doughnuts that they are all pieces of idiotic crap which is worse than the dingbats that I was calling them last week... As soon as Florida hits a "dfficult" team, they fold like the 1-A and 1-AA crap that they scheduled for their non-cons this year. Now they will be probably inserting Michigan in that #2 spot. USC has to play harder, and beat their remaining teams by much better margins. It will also help if Arkansas, and all of the other teams that they have already played win out... BUT, if you read this blog, you already probably know that.

Well, I just gave my first test of the year, this past Friday. it was pretty brutal. 30 multiple choice/guess questions, a lab portion to it and essay questions with just enough time to take it in one period. The best score so far is a 76% and I have already found 12 students that have elected to get 0's. They were obvously cheating. The same wrong answers, or the same exact written response, or the same excessive bs on a question that didnt need it, like saying exactly what incorrect name of a rock is when I only asked for the type... Should I grade it on a curve?


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