Warning: first day brain dumpThe first day has come and passed. Today was an inservice where we got to learn the little "ins and outs" of the place. I met my department head and the rest of the science faculty. It is so refreshing to have people to ask and bounce ideas off of that know the same content as you. I also feel much more confident in what I am doing here. I know that there will be hicups with this year, but I am sure that the problems will not be as bad as last year in NC.
I came home today after school, to find that my darling wife, CTG, was cooking dinner/supper for us and the house was filled with the smell of beef, rice, and green peppers. We had discussed having stuffed bell peppers, but I didn't think that she was going to make them. I was so happy. It made up for a lunch that was provided by the school, but consisted of drastically undercooked barbecue chicken. I fear for the students and their stomachs. I am pretty sure that I do not have any salmonella, as I have not gotten sick. Unless, of course, I start puking later on this evening...
I am also glad that I am riding to school this year. I think that we will probably save about 200 per month in gas, if not more. I say this now, but I have to take the car tomorrow, and might on Friday, because I have to bring a bunch of stuff to my classroom and CTG will be with me too. I am happy that I will have someone with me there tomorrow, as lunch will be funner and more can get done.
I also have to plan. I just got the updated pacing guides for my classes, and they insert things in a different order than I would normally teach them, so I have to rethink how I will be doing things. Oh well, better than having to attempt to create my own pacing chart and hoping that the things that you cover will be given in the same portion on the district and state standardized tests.
Thursday is the beginning of classes for my students, of which I have no idea of how many, or their names.
But hey, that is life.