Update: The one I replaced has come and taken her things. The posters that were not hung up are now gone. A large amount of supplies (glue, pens, pencils, paper, etc) are now gone as well as well as one of the student computers. All in all, I made out pretty well, and I wonder if she really wanted any of the stuff that was up anyway. The one thing that really made me mad was that she took a whole bunch of "stomp rockets" that were stashed in the cabinets. I know that there are other things missing, but I will have to do a more thorough job of checking.
Well, I will see what I can do, and hopefully I will not have to do too much in the way of rebuilding lab ware and materials. At least I will not have to find many wall hangings. Who knows, maybe there are more "stomp rockets" somewhere else on campus...
The one that CTG was promising a few days ago (before mu.nu died) this is not, but it will come in due time...
Until then, chew on this.
At the beginning of this post, I ask you this: When you know that you will be leaving a job, when do you take all of your things out of your space?
Today, my darling wife (CTG) and I go down to my new classroom to open up all of the cabinets and locked shelves. I find a whole bunch of cool posters and teaching aids that would work nicely in and around my classroom, to make it very hospitable and student friendly. I also find two computers that seem to be possible student usable for whatever purpose locked up in the cabinets. I say "Wow, look at all of this cool stuff, honey, would you like to put up all of these posters while I fix my computer?" To which she replies "Yes, of course I will." She is sooo much better at that kind of stuff than I am, you all should know. I fix the computer and clean out some other things, while she hangs up the pictures. We are getting quite a bit done when I get a call on the classroom phone. I am expecting it is the office calling me with some menial task that they would like me to complete, but instead it is the teacher that I am replacing. I have the room that she vacated in June. I expected that the call was about a computer password issue that we had solved, but no, she proceeds to ask me if I can let her in to the room to empty out HER STUFF from all of the cabinets. I am like "ummm..... Isn't it common knowledge that when you leave your room at the end of the year, knowing that you are not coming back, that you HAVE to take ALL of the things that you want to keep with you BEFORE turning in your keys???" She laughed and said "Well, I didn't." She then tells me that she wants all of the posters that my lovely wife had just spent a few hours finding, sorting out by subject, and putting up all around the room. She also wants me to take them all down off the walls because she will be "pressed for time" tomorrow.
I then told her that I will be in a meeting tomorrow with people downtown, which is the truth, and I wont be able to assist her in any way. Since CTG had crawled around the counters for too long today and that it was late as it was, she was going to have to deal with all of the posters as well. I locked all of the cabinets before we left, as is standard anyway, since I would be leaving the room over night.
If she is that pressed for time, she won't be able to do much in my room, with no keys and every thing still everywhere, and on the walls. I wonder what I will still have in there when I walk in there on Thursday...or if I get a note saying she'll be back another time. I wonder...