... I read something enthusiastic coming out of today's youth about the military and this nation's government.
LT. Smash has a post written by a person known only as "Amy". She is an eloquently spoken person who has ideals that I rarely see coming out of adults. In the post September 11 society in the US, I know that we have become rather stupid and crazy. Our society has become polarized. Either it is full blown right-wing (kill-them-all and let God separate them) or pussy-footed left-wing (kiss all of the nations asses and go the way of the dodo) shit headed insanity. There is little in between. Can there be? I feel that the government is doing the best it can in order to keep the greatest amount of us safe. If that means that they listen in on a few conversations of mine in the process then so be it. I have nothing to hide and I am a patriot as much as the next man. I am still on the rolls of the IRR, and will do my duty if Uncle Sam needs me. I might not like it, but I did sign that contract and raise my hand twice in the process...
I know that I am rambling, but there is a lot that has been going on in my mind the last couple of months. I hate talking politics, and I have intentionally not inserted my politics on this site until now...
About 2 months ago, DW told you all that I was extremely angry with "She who will not be named on this blog" and her actions after the death of her patriotic son. I do not feel one bit sorry for that bitch. She has prostituted her son's death, made a total fool of herself, and is
now overseas, further destroying the efforts of our military men and women fighting for her freedoms at home and away. She is a pimp of the worst kind, now with a full spread in this month's "Vanity Fair" complete with her resting on the grave of her patriotic son. I wonder if she realizes that if Casey was still alive, he would have probably already bitch-slapped her. I hope that he is giving her horrible nightmares while she is lying there... May she rot in agony until the day she dies, and even after that, may she burn in hell and Satan pluck her eyeballs out of her skull and eat them in front of her one at a time. My brother-in-law, Casey's last immediate supervisor and the last man to see him alive, knew exactly what Casey was made of (and actually provided the bitch with the pictures of Casey in his desert BDUs that are on that bitch's website before he knew what she was made of)... He said that Casey was a good man and good soldier. He was an excellent mechanic that knew how to do his job. If there was someone that he wanted covering his back, it was Casey. Coming from my brother-in-law, those are great compliments, as he has trouble finding those words for others in the units that he has worked for/in that easy. Most of the time he says "all total dirt bags, or useless in their current jobs". He sets high expectations, bordering on perfection, for all of those who work above and below him. Even I had trouble keeping him happy with my work, when I was working under him when he was my superior, and he was even trying to get into my sister's pants at the time...
It is my opinion that Amy is made of the same cloth that Casey Sheehan was and I am glad that she is picking up the torch in his wake. Her comments remind me of the stories that you now rarely hear about the unknown private picking up the company standard after the standard bearer gets mowed down in an infantry charge during the Civil War or WWI. She is picking up where he has fallen. She is not fearful of her decision or fearful of what might meet her in the end. She is doing this in full knowledge of what might happen and does not fear. I applaud her for this and it makes me happy. I know that there are more "Amy"s out there and I hope that they all have this same conviction. I love this country enough to willingly lose my life in it's defense. I am glad that there are others that have picked up where we have left off and the course is being stayed.
More later. Have to get back to my work with the kiddies...