Yes, I know, I have told you all (2 - 3 people by now) this before, that I have started to blog again. There has been a lot that has happened to me, and most of it good. Since the blog world has last "seen" me, I have been in a slight automobile accident - I am mostly ok, just a bungled knee and a sore lower back. I have been attending an inquiry based science seminar for the last month or so at a local college, and have been taking it pretty easy the last few months while I have been on summer break. I have some pretty cool pictures of a Rube Goldberg machine that I helped build with "Mr. Steve", who is/was a fellow teacher that I am learning with at the seminar.
Things that I did:
1) Learned to solder - something that I have been meaning to do but did not have the materials to do...
2) Cleaned my mother and father-in-laws house while they were in Alaska
3) Slept in
4) Played video games
5) watched TiVo
6) Recorded cool videos and put them to DVD that I can actually use for class next year :)
7) Built Rube Goldberg machine - that actually works!
8) Met Dr. Rusty Shakelford of
My Pet JawaThings that I need to do:
1) Write Quarter exams for my district
2) Plan what I will do the 2nd and 3rd weeks of school
3) something is just escaping me right now...
Of the things that I need to do, I wasnt thinking about #2 until now. #1 cannot be done without a few pieces of software that my district wants me to use, that I do not have with me at this present time.Labels: Skool