Saturday, January 28, 2006

I feel soo "stoopid" sometimes

I have recovered from the weeks that I had to condense 2 weeks of teaching into about 6 days. I received a copy of the district test from my department chair (she wrote it earlier this week) and I read it, just find out that there is no space science on it. This really pissed me off, as I could have spent an extra week and a half on the chemistry and used the time more wisely. I have students that say that I went too fast and that they do not understand anything. I went that fast because I thought that there was going to be at least another chapters worth of material on the damned test. I also didn't give enough time for my students for the science fair, in thinking that we could do more on it next quarter and now just this: SHIT!!!

Parents are mad at me, students are mad at me, and I will recover from this as well. Stay tuned..




Monday, January 16, 2006

It's about time - CCTC

The CCTC has finally gotten to my week, so that I will finally find out what classes/tests that I need to finally have my cleared teaching credential. I sent it in during the summer, expecting it to be completed sometime in October, only to realize that the Gov. cut back so many jobs in that area that there are now like two or three people evaluating all of the credentials that are being applied for in California. That is good, as I am starting my BTSA induction classes this month. I wish that they would have gotten to me earlier, as I might not have to go through certain aspects of the BTSA program. This would give me more time to work in my classroom and enjoy more of my time there. If you have no clue as to what I am rambling about, don't worry. You are probably not a teacher living in California, or in your first year teaching. If you are, good luck with all of your BTSA activities and enjoy the next year and a half with me.

Tell you how it goes and what I might not have to take soon...



Friday, January 13, 2006

Well, Duhhhhhh

You Are Likely a Second Born

At your darkest moments, you feel inadequate.

At work and school. you do best when you're evaluating.

When you love someone, you offer them constructive criticism.

In friendship, you tend to give a lot of feedback - positive and negative.

Your ideal careers are: accounting, banking, art, carpentry, decorating, teaching, and writing novels.

You will leave your mark on the world with art and creative projects.


Monday, January 09, 2006

First day back

I do not know what to say. I looked into my planning book at the end of the day, and I realized that I am a week behind. Somewhere along the way I did something stupid and I thought that I planned for too few weeks. Just to realize that I originally planned for the right amount of time. I had slowed down to make up the time and went over the material at a slower pace. Now I find myself a freaking week behind. I feel so stupid. I also totally forgot about the MLK holiday so I have a plan for 5 days and I will atempt to fit that day into the others...

Well, back to the grind. I just pray that it will all work out for the better.


Sunday, January 08, 2006

Back to the "Grind"

Warning: coffee induced Brain-dump in progress...


I am going back to work tomorrow. I wish that I had more time to relax. I didn't really have a summer break, with moving and trying to find a teaching position here in California. I just got to relax with the interesting things that happened over the holiday, finally getting healthy from my incessant cold/flu, and trying to nurse my lovely wife back to health over the two weeks. I haven't really posted anything lately and I am sorry for that. I got just about everything that I wanted from Father Christmas and I hope that the same happened with you. Have a great week and wish me luck as it is the first day I will have ridden my bike in two weeks. At least I was able to get it a tune-up so that it might not break down within the next semester...

I got the stuff graded today that was waiting to be done over the holiday and I totally forgot to do some planning that was desperately needed but I will be able to figure out over the next week. I totally hate having to do it on the fly, but that is sometimes how it must get done...



Friday, January 06, 2006

Rock me baby!

You Are an Emo Rocker!

Expressive and deep, lyrics are really your thing.

That doesn't mean you don't rock out...

You just rock out with meaning.

For you, rock is more about connecting than grandstanding.