The system that I work for, is kind of weird. The program that I went to this summer was somewhere in the 120 hour range (8 credit-hours). When you add the credit-hours to my pay scale it brings it to a higher level. The program was co-hosted by my district, and one of the administrators is currently a school board member. You would think that the credits would be automatically accepted, right?
I went to Warm and Humid to get the credits assessed, and my pay scale re-adjusted, but I just get a look and 2 different pieces of paper that need to be filled out by myself and an administrator (note:
school board member) of the program. I asked if this was all necessary, and they said that it needed to be checked by a totally different person... I think that it is a total crock of shit, and just a way to piss off teachers and other people that are trying to make a little more money that they deserve.
But anyway, I took the piece of paper to the institute and have to wait for the correct individual to sign it and now I am waiting... Next week I will have to pick it up again and take it to the Warm and Humid, just to "wait and see" if they will accept the course.
So, just another day in paradise, here in Southern California :)
I know that this is WAY OVERDUE
I took the paper back to Warm and Humid today, along with some college units that I did not have the transcripts to. It looks like I will get that pay raise, but the head person (AKA: the head of Warm & Humid) that decides these things was taking a long lunch and was not there when I dropped the paperwork off. I just hope that with the other units I dropped off, I will have enough to jump 2 pay grades...
Cross your fingers, toes, and other appendages in hopes that they won't remember who I am. I was the one that called the union out because they didn't want to accept one of my years in the military; because it, and I quote the bitch, "... did not line up with the school calendar, even though I was in for a continuous 3 years, with no break". That was fixed in about one phone call.
Labels: Skool